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The Covadonga Urban Lab is a project open to everyone. Only through the involvement of each and everyone of us we will be able to achieve consistent and integrative solutions to the urban and social challenges facing the Covadonga district and the city of Sabadell.

If you want to participate in the pilot project, you can do it in the following ways:

Via the UNICORN platform, you can contribute to the definition of the  challenges and their respective solutions, collectivelly with the entire community involved. Go to the challenge platform.

Here you can download the manual to use the platform.

Gràcies per participar!

If you have ideas, proposals or just want to get involved in the project, write to us and we will contact you.

If you want to leave us a comment, you can write to us at:

You can also find out more about the activities programmed through our website, in the Activities and agenda section.

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